Saturday, 14 April 2012

14/4/12-Just a quick update on the Ramones picture, a lot to do but the paint is building up nice.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

3/4/12-Well I went at it in no uncertain terms and finished the lighthouse miniature in no time at all and am quite pleased with the result considering I have very little experience with colours. The Ramones picture is also started but that will be a lot longer to finish with having to build up the shades.

Monday, 2 April 2012

31/3/12-Going to start two new pieces today in acrylics, one is a black and white picture of the much missed and highly influential American punk rock band the Ramones, while the other is another attempt at colours, working on an exercise from an excellent book by Priscilla Hauser, called 'Little Landscapes' which is all about painting miniatures.